Do Not Over Thinking

I borrowed a new book.
The book is called ” 59 Second” by Richard Wiseman.
I’ve only just started reading it, so I can’t tell you what it’s about.
The title says that if you think a little, you can make a lot of changes.
I tend to overthink a lot.
So I was attracted to the title.
For example,
When replying to a mail, I tend to think too much about the contents or try too hard to make the sentences correct, and as a result, I end up giving the wrong information to the other person, or the sentences are far from what I wanted to say in my initial feelings.
Personally, I prefer to communicate over the phone.
However, in the case of work or just a casual conversation, a phone call can take up a lot of time.
I hope I can learn something from this book.
In fact,
Overthinking things doesn’t always work out.
For example, I lost my Airpods case at Starbucks yesterday.
I thought it would be gone by now, so I went back and looked for it, and yeah couldn’t find it.
Normally, I would spend the whole day wondering if I should reorder the case, or if it might be somewhere else. I’ve been looking all over for it.
I spent a lot of time obsessing over the lost item.
I often lose my sunglasses, too…
I’ve been thinking that things that have gone away or that I’ve lost were things that should have gone away from me. So I am able to let go of them without being attached to them.
Another thing is that I realize that I have many other things as well.
When I think about this if I’m attached to something I’ve lost that I can come back to the present.
Then I can move on to the next action.
In this case, after searching for the case and finding it missing, I spent about an hour thinking about how disappointing it was, and then I told my brain to interpret it as something that it should have go away.
I also had to go shopping, so after calling the Apple store and making an appointment to replacement, I decided to go ahead with my plans.
In the past, I would have been so caught up in the missing item that I would not have gone shopping and would have been obsessing and searching for the missing item all day long.
//// Do not over thinking ////
The bottom line is.
Don’t overthinking things.
When you overthinking things, you can’t make a decision, you can’t take action, and you may end up doing or saying unnecessary things.
Have you ever had such an experience?
Mine almost all of them.
So when I receive an e-mail, I try to tell the person what I feel at first after reading the text.
As for lost things, I don’t ask myself, “Where is it? I think of it as already gone.
When I’m driving, I sometimes think that it might be there again, or that it might come back.
if that thought comes to my mind, I do think that it is something that it should have been gone for me.
This realization enriches my life.
It can be used and applied to any situation.
When relationships doesn’t work out.
A mistake at work.
Bad things that have happened to you.
It adapts to everything.
If letting go is not enough for you, try to remember a moment when you feel happy, good, or naturally smiling, or write it down on a piece of paper.
If I had to pick three recent moments that have made me smile, I would say
I love the city where I live in, and the blue sky on my way to Starbucks is always soothing.
I also like the smell of the desert (which is completely different when you move from one place in California to another in Arizona), it is very soothing. There is a place near my house that smells like that same, so I often walk by that place. It may be the smell of cactus.
I can smile when I’m boxing at the gym or drinking a beer on the patio.
Just knowing what makes you feel good is enough to keep that obsession away.
Simply stop thinking about it and focus on the good feelings.
You only live once in your life.
The case you lost, it costs money, but you can buy it again.
You can also make more money.
And if you don’t get attached to it, it can come back to you once in a while.
That’s what happened to my case.
One of the customer was keeping my case and waited for me at Starbucks.
I was very grateful.
Many people were kind to me that day.
I experienced and felt that by not being attached to everything that happens, it can come back to me in a different form.
Let’s move on.
It is up to you to decide whether the loss was a good thing or not.
I’m sure that thanks to that event,
I am sure that it will have a lot of fun later.
Zen Jin